About Us

20 years ago I started my first ever website called “Legalize.tv”. It was based on legalizing cannabis. It never really got off the ground, but it was my first effort.

Skip ahead a mere twenty years and a career of building content driven websites in various niches, I’ve came back around full circle to launch what is potentially my last website, this one you are reading now, THCaVendors.com.

THCa Vendors shows you where you can buy legal cannabis online and have it mailed to your mailbox via the USPS mail, legally. Even from states like mine, Georgia, USA. It’s taken me twenty years, but we are finally legal here thanks to the 2018 farm bill. I can buy real weed online and have it shipped to the house, via the mail man.

Have you ever heard the saying that if you can find a way to make money doing something you love then you will never work a day in your life? Well, that’s kinda some BS really, because I’ve been trying it for years now. Even though I love cannabis, this website is still work. Writing these reviews and creating useful content takes time, resources and effort.

Plus think of all the weed smoking I’ve got to do. These reviews have to come from experience. You know what I’m sayin?

So while it is still work, it is way better than working on something I have no interest in in my real life. Plus who really want’s a review from someone who isn’t personally involved with the review? I can read mass produced ‘best of list’s’ that are designed just to make the website money or sell a particular product. These types of reviews and guides are worthless for us as consumers and often times detrimental. I’m not having that, that’s why I’m writing these reviews myself.

And on a personal note, I am lucky enough to be at a point in my career where I can do something like this as a passion project, not a financial necessity. I want to work on this site because it affects me and my friends and neighbors on a personal level.

The fact that I am not forced to make this site make as much money as possible allows me to post my honest opinions regardless of how it affects things. I will not accept payments from anyone to have a vendor ranked on my lists.

If you take some time to read through my reviews I think you will agree.

Georgia, USA.

I live in a state where any cannabis classified as marijuana is illegal but classified as hemp is legal.

It is the same plant, just classified differently.

According to the 2018 farm bill, if it contains less that 0.3% THC dry weight then it’s hemp and totally legal.

How Is This Legal? – Is This Really Real?

How it works in reality is, growers keep the total future potential THC in the cannabis plant stored in it’s acidic form, THCa. There is usually just a sliver of the total future potential THC being stored as THC in the non-acidic form (hence no little ‘a’). THCa is how most all live and raw cannabis stores it’s future THC.

So to keep it legal, the growers grow strains that keep the THC in the acidic form of THCa and very low in the non acidic form when it is dry weight / raw.

When you heat it up, it turns from THCa into THC via a process called ‘decarboxilation’. This just means heating it, smoke it, vape it etc.

The potential THC is stored in the plant as THCa. Dry weight, it’s less that .3% THC no problem. Hence legal.

Once heated, THCa turns into good old fashioned THC.

THCa is not illegal and luckily it is where most of the THC is stored in all raw cannabis. Even the same cannabis you would buy at legal dispensaries in states where cannabis is legal recreationally (Michigan, Nevada, Colorado etc and most of the rest of the non-backward ass country).

Fun fact from a former dispensary manager (that’s me!): THC percentages listed on the label of cannabis flower is simply the assumed THC content that can be decarboxylated from the THCa content in the product.

Nature and Bloom (source);
*emphasis mine

Virtual Dispensaries At Your Fingertips

You can legally buy 100% real, 100% the same cannabis online now.

So where can you buy the best THCa? I didn’t know and I started to research.

My research led me to build THCa Vendors. I wanted to create a resource that my friends could go to and find a place to buy 100% real and 100% legal cannabis online. This website is my attempt at creating that.

About My Reviews

That’s me, Old Nessie. Best photo I have currently.

Most all reviews are written by me, yours truly who goes by Old Nessie. I am very experienced stoner. If this were a job application I would be well qualified as an expert in the field. Most of the content across the site are written by myself, although I am getting a life long friend Spencer Cox the Vape Ape.

We’ve been friends since high school, some 30 years ago. I turned him on to the world of THCa and he has been a fan ever since.

Spencer is also a distinguished member of the Ape Society, an extremely popular blockchain NFT based world.

For the most part, I write the reviews and buyers guides. If the author is not mentioned, I wrote it.

The Vape Ape, Spencer Cox.

No Chat GPT spam or anything like that.

Spencer covers our vape reviews as yours truly Old Nessie does not love vaping himself. Plus it’s good to get another trusted opinion from a conissueir like Spencer.

We are just a couple of old friends Gen X’ers who have have a common interest in getting high. Plus it’s pretty cool to hang out and work together on something at this point in our lives.

20 years ago we were smoking mexican brick weed. You would be smoking a joint and every so often you’d get a loud pop as you just smoked a seed.

Today we can get legal, top-shelf weed mailed to the doorstep via the United States Postal Service.

Hemp for victory!

I am not a weed snob.

I like weed and historically I have not been extremely picky.

My plug told me how much and I said yes.

Buying weed before having access to legal THCa was a clean your plate there are starving kids in Africa type thing for me. I wasn’t picky, I smoked what he brought me.

Today, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, I can be as picky as I want because I have multiple virtual dispensaries at my fingertips of absolute top shelf cannabis.

And they ship it to my door. Legally.

Oh, and the prices are way better than I was paying before, significantly better!

Which Vendors Do I Trust?

I built this site to list the vendors that I personally purchase from and recommend to my friends.

You can visit the home page and see my current top-list of reputable THCa weed vendors where you can buy top-shelf bud online and have it shipped to your door (in most states).

If you just want me to give you one quick answer, I would say that LuckyElk is a hard to beat Vendor. They have organic 100% USA grown flower in multiple tier levels of price. If you want a more nuanced look at the different vendors then take a scroll around the site, read some reviews and some buyers guides and start shopping.

My reviews are subjective to my experiences and my opinion and they will reflect that. If I do not like something I will tell you. If I like something, I will tell you.

For products and strains I will answer the question of will I buy it again?

For the vendors I will know that there is so much quality out there to choose from that I can be picky. These vendors are competing heavily for business.

As far as the weed itself of course we all have preferences and mine will differ from yours.

Buying Flower Online

I want legit high quality bud. 

I only want the real stuff. I never want CBD flower sprayed with D8 or sprayed with anything for that matter. No delta 8 spray on chemicals or additives, ever at all.

If a vendor is selling flower like that then I’m done buying from them and will blacklist them on here.

I want cannabis from USA grown legal and reputable growers. I want it from proven reputable vendors with a history of being legit.

The good news is there are a handful of legit, quality THCa vendors online that ship to your door.

I want to make sure I am smoking clean, non-sprayed, no heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides or anything like that, clean legit cannabis. I’m building out a Cannabis / THCa flower buyers guide you can take a look at if you want to know all the inside tips I can offer about buying online.

Ideally I’ll get 100% organic, pesticide free flower with labs and COA’s. Some vendors provide this, and COA’s are required for many licenses.

THCa Communities and Forums

I started looking around and found multiple subreddits (COTF, COTF2, THCaflowers, and THCaconcentrates) dedicated to THCa and a site called Franklist where there is a chat room discord like site where people were talking about THCA and the vendors and community that surrounds them. 

I will give credit where credit is due – Franklist is where consumers, vendors, growers and random people chat about who knows what, but especially THCa stuff. 

They were the first front line of defense for people who wanted to know ‘who to order from’ and what thca vendors are legit.  The problem is it is impossible to find information about the vendors there easily without joining the community and partaking in the chat.

Who wants to scroll through pages and pages of people arguing about marsupials vs ostriches and sharing weed memes while trying to find out if Flow Gardens latest strain is fire (it likely is)? There are dozens and dozens of vendors listed there, but the real problem is there is no easy way to get information on them.  

When I first joined the chatroom also shouted ‘blue’ at you every time someone makes a post if you are not registered.   

Reddit THCa Subreddits

On reddit, there is a ‘no-sourcing’ reddit rule. So there is a level of secrecy on the reddit forums about listing vendors. 

If you try and browse the forums You will get tons of acronyms and who can keep up with those.  

Oh you like to buy some quality flower, just visit, EH, FG, WNC, EHH, SHF, VG, A8, US, EHC, FF, WF, WFW, WFF, THB ETC. 

I understand it is a reddit rule, I get it.  But it is not a rule here at THCa Vendors.  

Here I list the vendors that you can buy legal weed I mean legal hemp from right now (under .3% THC, aka hemp) and have it shipped to your door.  All listed cleanly without the secrecy and without the trouble of deciphering what random ass acronym means what on the franklist and subreddits.

Affiliate Disclosure 

Some of the links may result in this website earning money. Some links do, most do not. 

My rankings and lists are not influenced by who pays me.  Many of the vendors and products I list do not offer affiliate links or referral links. 

My first priority is to put out the best top lists, price charts, and vendor reputation checkups I can. 

This site is a passion project, I will make sure the best information I have to share about this industry will be shared here regardless of if there is money to be made or not.

About THCaVendors.com

This website is one way I can help grow the industry while providing a legitimate place for information for consumers like yourself.  I want to show my personal friends where they can buy legit weed online legally right now mailed to their doorstop.

My kids would call me old. I list the vendors that I use and that I am comfortable recommending to my friends.  

As a vendor, you can not purchase your way onto my website or a ranking on any of my lists.   If I would order from you myself then depending on how the order goes will determine if you are added to the list.   


Please understand that I do not review products in exchange for freebies. If I am willing to purchase from you myself and do so then I will likely review whatever it is I purchase, good or bad.

Contact Me

The only way to contact me is via email and you can do so by emailing smokingthca @ geemale daught com (misspelled on purpose to avoid spam-bots, real people please feel free to email me!)

The value this website has is that it is packed full of REAL reviews 100% of the time. That is the motto I am going to live by.

Thanks for visiting THCaVendors.com and tell your friends (don’t forget the “a”!).